Saturday, 1 November 2014

Top Tips for Divorcing Parents – Something Your Los Angeles Family Lawyer wont Tell You

When you are getting divorced, there would seldom be a Los Angeles family lawyer who would sit you down and tell you how to deal with your emotionally distraught children. Divorce is always a sad end to a marriage, which started on a not of love and romance. However, more than anything else, it is damaging to the children, who not only have to survive the unpleasantness between their parents, but also the parents' decision to split the family. A good parent would try to navigate the stormy marriage more pleasantly to make it easier for the children. Here's how you can do it too. 

1. As much tempted as you are, try to steer clear of poisoning your child's mind against their other parent. Making children side with one parent, and turning them against the other is recipe for heartbreak and disaster. 

2. Now that your marriage is coming to an end, you may find it difficult to be civil with each other, but for your children's sakes, do not be uncivil towards each other in front of them. It sets a bad example and makes them even more insecure.

3. Strive for healthy co-parenting, even if you are not on good terms with your ex. Your children belong to the both of you, and you do not have to be good friends with your spouse. Just try to make co-parenting work, and let your children know that you both intend to be in their lives. 

4. Be gracious when you talk to your children about their other parent. You may be tempted to badmouth your ex, but do not do that. In fact, saying a few good things about your ex to them, once in a while will make a healthy environment for them to grow in. 

5. If you are having trouble establishing co-parenting rules, try to attend family therapy or get professional help for it. It is important that you try your best to make this work – not for you but for your children who deserve to have both their parents in their lives. 

6. Children love their grandparents, uncles, aunts and all other relatives. Do not badmouth your ex's family in front of them. Treat them all with respect or you will have bitter, maladjusted children who are rude and disrespectful to you too. 

7. Make sure that you do not present any scenario in which your children feel conflicted. A divorce is difficult to handle, even for adults. For children, these situations are even more conflicting and have the potential to be life altering. 

8. Never miss the opportunity to tell your child how much you love them. They should know that just because their parents no longer live together, it does not mean that they are no longer loved. Tell them that you will be in their life and that their happiness means a lot to you. Try to ensure an environment where your child does not feel guilty for your divorce. 

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Friday, 31 October 2014

Visiting a Divorce Support Group – Coping After Divorce

You have decided to part ways with someone you thought you would spend your life with. You have hired a Los Angeles divorce lawyer, and the preparation of your divorce are under way. What next? Where do you go from here?

Divorces can be emotional, and no matter how bitter your relationship with your spouse may have turned, it always boils down to the simple fact that you need to turn your life around and make new plans for yourself and your loved ones. If there are children involved in your divorce, the decisions can be all the more difficult and painful. For everyone concerned, divorce is difficult to deal with, and it can leave you feeling like an emotional wreck. While your Los Angeles family lawyer can give you legal advice, they are certainly no shoulder to cry on. What you need now is support so that you can bring your faith back in.

Surviving divorce and separation can be difficult and challenging, and emotional devastation is unavoidable. Even if you are relieved of being rid of a bad marriage, you cannot help but feel dejected and hurt. Divorce support groups consist of people just like you – people who have coped with their own emotional traumas after their divorce, and people who are still dealing with the pressures of being divorced.

These support groups are ideal for those who need help adjusting in this new way of life. Whether you are a single mother, or a newly divorced man struggling to make ends meet, someone in a support group may have gone through exactly what you are experiencing, and they are here to help you cope. They can share their own life experiences with you, give you tips on how to handle your new life, children, family situations and finances. More than anything else, they can be there to listen when all you really want to do is vent out.

There are thousands of support groups in Los Angeles, and you can have your Los Angeles divorce lawyers point out a few for you. Often lawyers know about such groups because their ex-clients may be in one. If you cannot find this information from your Los Angeles divorce attorney, you can always turn to the internet, where such information is available easily. You can locate a support group in your area and visit them once. The first time is usually the hardest because opening up your emotional pain in front of strangers is not easy for everyone. Besides, not everyone feels comfortable sharing some of the darkest things and events in their lives with others. However, if you do decide to visit them once, you may end up feeling comfortable because every other person there has gone through what you are experiencing, and they all know how difficult it is. Very soon, you will end up feeling at home with these people, who often become like extended family with each other. At the end of the day, it is all about feeling better about yourself and your circumstances. 

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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Divorce Lawyers in Los Angeles – Things to Keep in Mind

Getting a divorce may be one of the most significant decisions of your life. In fact, this is one decision that may affect almost every other aspect of your world – your social life, your mental health, your financial situation and your family life. The decision to get a divorce is one which makes you struggle a lot, and it can be emotionally numbing too. Though the dissolution of a marriage is a legal act, it has far reaching psychological, social and familial consequences. In all of this, the most significant role to play is that of your divorce lawyer. Therefore, if you want to consult with divorce lawyers in Los Angeles, take your time to get to know them and then hire someone to take your case.

Before you go on to hire a lawyer, it is important to have an idea of what kind of lawyer you want to hire. A lot of this would depend on the kind of divorce you want. There are several lawyers who are known to have a reputation for litigious cases. If that is the route you want to opt, the choice of divorce lawyers in Los Angeles would be rather straightforward for you. However, if you want to part on amicable ways, or want to end your marriage on a graceful note, you will have to talk to your lawyer about it and approach your divorce in a completely different manner.

A divorce lawyer is a very prominent professional, who will charge you for a professional service. The fees and charges of lawyers differ from one region to another and therefore, it is important for you to understand the complete billing process before you hire your lawyer so that you can avoid all potential misunderstandings. To avoid financial mishaps, talk to your lawyer in detail and understand all the fees and charges before signing them on.

Understanding the financials before hand is important so that you do not get a financial shocker once you are settled into your case. If you opt for mediation, usually the fees and charges would be much less because the duration of the case would be shorter and the leg work performed by your lawyer and their team would be smaller too. However, if you decide to sue your partner, or disagree on terms of divorce, your lawyer will most likely bill you heavily.

Some other things you should concern yourself with include provision of accurate time records and itemized billing, provision of all important court papers and documentation to be presented in the court, discussion of your legal rights and how they would represent them in the court, maintaining proper channels of communication, and ensuring that the team secures the best and most favorable outcome for you. If an out of court settlement is the most beneficial for you, then that should be the primary focus of your lawyer, and they should strive to ensure that your case settles out of court. 

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Desire a Great Divorce? Here's How

The term 'great divorce' may seem like an oxymoron, but it really is not. While most people believe that divorce is inevitably ugly, others view this as an opportunity to sort out differences and part ways gracefully. Splitting up may often be a painful experience, leaving behind a feeling of genuine loss. However, it is also a new beginning to your life and may lead to some wonderful opportunities as well. Perhaps, you were not meant to be married anymore, or maybe you and your partner were just not right for each other. This does not mean that you cannot find happiness anymore. Here are some ways in which you can come out of your divorce relatively unscathed.

Avoid being friends too soon – being friends with an ex is a tall order. It seldom ever works, unless you genuinely do not hold any grudges against each other. It is important to give each other a safe distance and set new rules and boundaries to move into this new territory with as less baggage as possible. Your relationship will never be the same, and therefore, it is best to give it some time and then see if a new kind of partnership may flourish between you two.

Let your lawyers prepare for the worst – if you have found a great divorce lawyer in Los Angeles, there is no need for you to prepare for the worst. Let them do it for you. If you do not have any huge issues between the two of you, there is no reason why you and your ex cannot work things out amicably. A mediator can help you with that. Even your Los Angeles divorce lawyer can help you with that to a large extent.

Agree to disagree – no matter how carefully you plan this, or how meticulously you approach your divorce, things may get messy. Even after your divorce, with your parenting plans and your financial decisions, failures are inevitable. Life after a divorce can be like a minefield, but you can tread carefully and minimize damage by avoiding blame games. If you are planning to make some of the vital decisions together – especially regarding children, you have to learn to work together and approach all issues gracefully. When you do disagree, make sure you do it in a way that is easy on each other and your children too.

Don't repeat old patterns – apart from the fact that your marriage is now over, nothing much has changed. You are still you, and your partner is, well, still your ex. There will be friction and there will be problems. You are no longer responsible for your partner's life, and it should not matter to you if they are unhappy, angry, upset, insecure or uncomfortable. If they have a problem, let them sort it out and do not get involved. Resisting the old patterns would certainly give you headway and room to grow individually. Just know that neither of you are responsible for the other's life and their mistakes or their consequences anymore. 

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Los Angeles Divorce Lawyers – When Marriage Counseling No Longer Works

Marriage counseling is often a last resort for couples who know that their marriage is becoming more difficult. They may not yet be ready to give up on their marriage completely, and therefore, they scramble for every last bit of help to keep it intact. However, most marriages, that come to the soor of a marriage counselor, have already crumbled beyond a point of repair. When ego and misunderstanding creeps into a marriage, even the most well meaning advice of the counselor may not help.

It is an evidence backed fact, that with the help of marriage counseling, couples are able to understand their marital difficulties and even communicate better with each other. Couples may eventually end up improving their relationship, or they may not. For sustaining a strained marriage, couples have to keep working at it. Sometimes though, it is difficult to sustain the marriage like this. Though the marriage counselor helps them negotiate their differences and tries to take the edge off the conflicts between them, it is not always possible to do so.

It is true that each partner experiences their marriage differently. Some are more involved in their relationship and their family, while others remain distant. As your Los Angeles divorce lawyer will probably explain to you, these are deep rooted psychological behaviors that cannot be changed overnight. If you feel that your partner is regressed into themselves, or is not emotionally available to you, this may be because they have been conditioned to be so by an emotionally unavailable parent.

Therefore, if you cannot make this marriage work alone, you may perhaps think of parting ways for good. Good Los Angeles divorce lawyers will always help you circumvent all the unpleasantness so that you can divide your assets amicably and spend as less time in the court as possible. If you do part your ways amicably, it allows you to remain civil to each other after the divorce, and is also easier on the other family members – especially the children, if any.

Couples are often not able to talk about their problems. However, with your Los Angeles divorce attorney, you should be open and thorough. If you leave anything out, the lapse may come back to haunt you at some time. Sometimes, compromises sound nice on paper, but when you have compromised for a long time, you may just want to give up and try to have a normal life, where your needs are met as well. In such cases, divorce remains the only viable option out.

Divorce is also the better option when the two of you can't seem to put it together anymore. Instead of fighting all the time in front of your children, and traumatizing them, it is better to call it quits and move away with some grace. This way, even your children wont have to see the ugly side of their parents' marriage. If you do insist on working on your marriage, but can't even be in the same room without being unpleasant to each other, it is better that you seek a divorce and end all the unpleasantness once and for all. 

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Understanding Contested Vs. Uncontested Divorces through Your Los Angeles Family Lawyer

Reaching a point in your marriage, where it seems that divorce is the only way out, can be a real challenge in itself. If you have to choose whether you want to have a contested or uncontested divorce, on top of it, it can be even more traumatizing. So before you can begin taking a call on what is right for you, you should first understand the differences between the two and how it will affect you in the long run.

Either spouse may be able to initiate the proceedings of a divorce. In this case, the other partner will be a respondent. However, if the couple decided to file a joint petition, there would be no respondent and all orders would be made only on the mutual consent of the couples. A joint divorce is often confused with an uncontested divorce, even though both are very different from each other.

Your Los Angeles family lawyer will most likely advise you to file for an uncontested divorce, which is much less messy and faster as well. This is a type of divorce where the spouses agree on all the issues of the divorce. In this kind of a divorce, the couple does not even have to appear in the court. There is no specific way of filing an uncontested divorce. If one of the spouses sends a divorce notice to the other, and the other does not respond by filing an answer to it, the divorce is automatically considered uncontested.

For the divorce to be rendered uncontested, the spouses may have to talk to each other and amicably reach a way for the dissolution of their marriage. They will also have to agree on a lot of key issues, including custody of the children, alimony and maintenance, division of property and the rest of the assets as well as other facets of the divorce.

Often, when either or both of the spouses are litigious, or unable to agree on the terms of the divorce, the case would go to the court. Such contested divorces, where either or both of the parties refuse to come to terms with any of the settlements, may continue for several years. This is why, Los Angeles family lawyers almost always advise against such divorces.

Case management in such divorces is also very difficult because the litigating couples seldom see eye to eye in any of the cases. In such cases, it becomes the responsibility of the lawyers to put an end to the warring and make the spouses see reason. It is surprising how many couples would actually respect the word and wisdom of their lawyers, when it comes to fighting a divorce case. It is also important to therefore, hire a lawyer who would be more concerned about your legal welfare than the hours they can bill you. If either of the spouses have a lawyer who is on an ego trip, and gives bad advise to their client, the case would definitely become contested, and will be difficult to deal with. 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Being a Beneficiary in a Divorce, Not a Victim

Any relationship that ends, hurts us immensely. Relationships are important to us, because they help us get security and support from another person who has come to be important to us. Breakups hurt, often even when the relationship was giving nothing but pain. Marriages ending in divorce hurt even more, because as your Los Angeles divorce attorney will most likely explain to you, a divorce comes with a finality.

All romantic relationships begin on a high note of happiness, love, and hopefulness. We are always optimistic when we are in love. However, as reality sinks in, weak love may simply fizzle out, leaving you high and dry. In marriages, where couples have to be more intimately involved with each other – becoming true partners, disappointment id often inevitable. A lot of marriages are weak from the start because they are based on lust or the temporary euphoria of being in love, instead of trust, understanding and a real sense of partnership.

In such cases, the burden of responsibilities, families and everyday routines can be crippling. The marriage naturally begins falling apart, to the point where the husband and the wife are miserable with each other. All they want, at this point, is to be away from each other. That is when they finally decide to part ways – whether they do it amicably or not, depends a lot on them and the lawyers advising them.

Being strong through the process of your divorce, will help you come out on the top. Understand how the prolonging of the relationship would have damaged you – financially, emotionally and maybe even physically. Understanding this may perhaps help you move past the pain and hurt associated with your divorce. Hiring a good Los Angeles divorce attorney can help you deal with certain intricate situations very delicately. By circumventing the unpleasantness, that can be a part of the entire divorce process, these Los Angeles divorce attorneys can help you maintain your respect and help you enter this new phase of divorced life gracefully.

Though when you look back, you can see your life in complete ruins, the prospect of having a lonely life, with the stigma of a divorce attached to you, difficult. A lot of men and women are unable to accept the prospect of a divorce simply because they do not want to be alone for the rest of their lives. They are more inclined to keep hurting and damaging themselves because they do not want to deal with the pain and grief of a divorce. This way, they often end up getting more damaged in the process.

When you find yourself in a marriage, where you can see no future, but one that has a lot of pain and hurt, it is better to call a Los Angeles divorce attorney and get on with the proceedings. It is like ripping a bandaid off. Once you are done, you will no longer be a victim, but a survivor. If you learn from what you have put behind you, you may also be a beneficiary.